You may grab any of the text and images from this website to build your articles and posts about Keely, but be sure to cite as your source. Author photo courtesy of Frank Auer. The Uncharted Series book covers were designed by Najla Qamber Designs.
Keely loves answering questions. If you have a question for Keely that isn’t answered on this website, feel free to email it to keely@keelykeith [dot] com. If you find the answers to your questions here, simply quote the text and cite this website as your source.
About Keely:
Keely Brooke Keith is the author of the beloved Uncharted series. Her books are best described as inspirational frontier-style fiction with a slight sci-fi twist.
Born in St. Joseph, Missouri, Keely was a tree-climbing, baseball-loving 80s kid. When she isn’t writing, Keely enjoys teaching home school lessons and playing bass guitar. Keely, her husband, and their daughter live on a hilltop south of Nashville, Tennessee, where she dreams up stories about a hidden land.
Join Keely’s email list at so you will always know when the next Uncharted book is available.
Listen to Keely on the radio:
Moody Radio’s Dawn & Steve in the Morning – April 2, 2024 (Skip to 13:00 on the audio file.)

Moody Radio’s Dawn & Steve in the Morning – July 11, 2023
Moody Radio’s Mornings with Tom & Tabi – March 19, 2024
Moody Radio’s Mornings with Tom & Tabi – July 14, 2023
Crossroads with Jenny Bushkell – March 26, 2024
Crossroads with Jenny Bushkell – July 14, 2023
Moody Radio’s Dawn & Steve in the Morning – November 1, 2021
Segment 1:
Segment 2:
Crossroads with Jenny Bushkell – December 12, 2022
Digital Media Kit for Keely’s upcoming release:
Uncharted Mercy (Uncharted, #14)
Find Keely’s books online:
Keely’s Website
The Land Uncharted (Uncharted, #1)
Received the Shelf Unbound Magazine – 2014 Notable Book (Romance) award as seen in the 2015 Indie Best Issue.
Aboard Providence (Uncharted Beginnings, #1)
Longlisted for the 2017 INSPY Awards.
Publisher’s Weekly review said, “Keith’s abundantly detailed and romantic adventure tale features a faithful, colorful cast that face the unknown with grit and determination, making for a fresh and satisfying story.”